Facial Hair Removal

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Facial Hair Removal For Women

Your final treatment will be decided by our prescribers based on your medical assessment. You will be asked to select a treatment option from a list after completion of your medical assessment.


  • Treat excessive facial hair in women
  • Contains the active ingredient eflornithine
  • Comes in the form of cream

From £69.99

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What is hirsutism?

Hirsutism is the clinical term used to describe excessive hair growth in women, especially on the face. This hair is usually dark and thick as opposed to fair and fine and as well as on the face, it can appear in the areas which men tend to have extra hair including:

  • neck
  • chest
  • tummy
  • lower back
  • genitals
  • buttocks

The condition is often associated with other symptoms such as:

  • a receding hairline
  • a deepening voice
  • a decreased bust size
  • enlargement of the clitoris
  • an increase in muscle mass
  • acne

Causes of female facial hair

In the majority of cases, the problem is a sign of a hormonal imbalance; specifically, hirsutism is normally caused by excessive levels of male hormones known as androgens, or by increased sensitivity to these hormones.

Often in younger women polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is caused by an imbalance of sex hormones, is the root cause of hirsutism.

Other possible triggers include:

  • obesity
  • Cushing syndrome
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • tumours (specifically a tumour secreting androgen in the ovaries or adrenal glands)
  • medications which treat issues such as Danazol, certain corticosteroids and fluoxetine.

For approximately one in ten women though, there is no obvious reason for their hirsutism; though there is evidence to suggest that it can sometimes run in families, especially in women with Middle Eastern, South Asian and Mediterranean ancestry.

How is it diagnosed?

According to the British Skin Foundation, around 10% of women in the Western world are diagnosed with hirsutism so if a woman feels she is suffering from excessive hair on her face or body then she may look to get a diagnosis. Blood tests can be performed which measure hormone levels in the blood such as testosterone or testosterone-like hormones. This can help to establish raised levels of androgen which is what causes hirsutism, and determine whether or not this is contributing to the excessive hair.

If levels come back raised then an ultrasound, CT scan and/or a physical examination of the abdomen and pelvis can check the ovaries and adrenal glands for cysts and/or tumours.

How are women with hirsutism affected?

Although it does not pose a medical risk, hirsutism can be highly distressing to the women who suffer from it. Often, it makes them feel self-conscious about their appearance and it can have a negative impact on many aspects of their lives, affecting everything from their mental health and relationships, to getting ahead at work and finding clothes they feel comfortable to wear.

Treatments for Hirsutism

There are a number of treatments a woman can try when suffering from hirsutism including oral contraceptives and anti-androgens. There are also procedures to help remove unwanted hair permanently including electrolysis and laser therapy, though these are expensive and take a long time to complete the full course of hair removal.

There are other effective and more easily accessible hair removal techniques on offer. For example, many people with hirsutism shave, wax, pluck or bleach the hair on the affected parts and in addition, the topical treatment Vaniqa can be used to stop facial hair from growing.

The active ingredient in this prescription-only medication is eflornithine which, when applied as a cream, penetrates to the roots of the hair and acts on an enzyme that plays a role in growth. Results can be seen as early as eight weeks into the treatment, but it may take four to six months to witness the full benefits. Note that this treatment is only licensed for use on the face, and while the medicine can cause hair growth to slow and lead to an improved appearance, it does not represent a cure for hirsutism.

Buying treatment for hirsutism

It may be best not to remove your hair prior to consulting your GP as it may allow the doctor to assess your condition more accurately. Once you have been diagnosed with hirsutism you can begin to use Vaniqa, but only once you have completed a medical questionnaire to be assessed by one of our doctors. You can also get additional information on this topic by speaking to your doctor.

When is Facial Hair Removal necessary?

In general, facial hair removal is subjective. The patient can only decide it, which often varies depending on the person. Most people who experience hirsutism do not deem it necessary to undergo a particular treatment to reduce or remove their excess facial hair. However, some people tend to feel uncomfortable with the presence of excessive facial hair.

Although there is no correct answer, remember you can choose without external pressure. If the degree of your hirsutism is not severe, hair removal treatment will probably consist of mild methods, such as shaving, waxing or bleaching.

What are the symptoms of Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is a condition where a person, particularly a woman, has excessive hair growth in various areas of their body. This includes the face, such as the chin and upper lip, tummy, chest, neck, thighs, as well as the genital region. The excessive hair usually grows thick and dark, unlike the usual thin and fair hair. In addition, there are various other symptoms associated with Hirsutism. These include the following:

  • Acne - can appear on the face, back, or chest
  • Oily skin
  • Change in voice - an octave higher or lower
  • Sudden receding hairline
  • Enlarged clitoris (a small, soft bump appearing on the opening of the vagina)

What are the methods for preventing Hirsutism?

Although there are not any guaranteed methods that prevent the condition, there are a few lifestyle changes that you can take into account in order to help you live a healthier life. These may help you reduce the chance of developing hirsutism. Note there are not any clinical studies to prove the effectiveness of these methods, but there are also not enough studies to prove otherwise. The efficacy of each method may vary depending on the individual. Try some of the following:

  • Use skin creams, such as E45
  • Adjust your diet by adding more nutritional food into your daily meals
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Drink organic teas, such as spearmint tea
  • Wax areas affected by hirsutism regularly
  • Control obesity, especially if you have polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Use natural herbal remedies with the ingredient turmeric.
  • Use specific birth control treatments
  • Avoid certain drugs, such as Danazol (Danocrine)
  • Avoid drugs that encourage hair growth, such as Rogaine (minoxidil)

What are some Alternatives of

There are a few true and tried non-prescription alternatives to facial hair removal. Traditionally, they consist of the following:

  • Shaving
  • Waxing
  • Plucking
  • Bleaching
  • Threading
  • Laser And Electrolysis treatments

Authored by

Last reviewed 11 April 2023

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