How to stop facial hair growth in females naturally?

Do you want smooth, flawless, hair-free skin? You can quickly and easily get the glow on your skin and have an even skin tone. In addition, the dead skin cells, dark spots, and, most of all, the annoying facial hair may be easily removed using natural ways.

All women have facial hair, but the texture and growth are far thicker and faster for some. Natural home remedies not only get rid of unwanted facial hair but help to slow down facial hair growth if followed regularly.

There is no shortage of all kinds of remedies and beauty hacks to eliminate unwanted facial hair. But if you want to try something natural and budget-friendly, we are here to help you. The natural remedies may involve staple ingredients more likely to be already present in your kitchen. 

So, how about trying one of the following natural remedies to get rid of unwanted and annoying facial hair:

Lemon and Sugar

Sugar and lemon are a classic combination as an effective natural remedy to remove unwanted facial hair. Sugar is a natural exfoliating agent; warm sugar sticks to the tiny facial hair and effectively removes it. Lemon juice is natural bleach for the skin hair and helps lighten the skin tone. Lemon also gives your skin a radiant glow.

  • Mix two tablespoons of sugar, lemon juice, and 8-9 tablespoons of water.
  • Stir well to form a granular paste.
  • Heat this mixture until bubbles appear, and then let it cool.
  • Apply an even layer over your unwanted facial hair, and massage for a few minutes.
  • Let it stay for 10-15 minutes. Then, wash off with lukewarm water.

Honey and Sugar

Sugar mildly exfoliates the skin's surface to remove dead cells, skin and facial hair. In contrast, honey heals and nourishes the skin, making it one of the best natural remedies to remove facial hair. To prepare a peel-off mask with these two natural ingredients:

  • Mix two tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of honey, and a tablespoon of water into a bowl.
  • Then, microwave it for thirty seconds until all the sugar dissolves in a mixture.
  • Next, apply the paste to your face with unwanted hair growth.
  • Take a strip of cotton cloth and place it over the paste. Let it cool, and quickly pull it off in the direction opposite to the hair growth.

Gram Flour and Rose Water

Gram flour has excellent exfoliating properties. When you combine it with the goodness of rose water, it inhibits hair growth. It is an effortless way to remove facial hair naturally. To prepare gram flour and rose water:

  • Add two tablespoons of gram flour with two tablespoons of rose water and one tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl.
  • To form a paste, mix the ingredients well and apply it to the face.
  • Then, let it dry completely and rub it off with your fingers toeliminate unwanted facial hair.

If you want to slow your unwanted facial hair growth, repeat the process 3-4 times weekly for the desired outcome.

Egg and Corn Starch

Egg white makes an excellent face mask to eliminate dead skin cells and facial hair. Cornstarch makes thisnatural homeremedysuper effective for unwanted facial hair. To prepare this mask:

  • In a bowl, mix the white of one egg with half a tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of sugar.
  • Next, apply an even layer onto your face and allow it to all dry.
  • Once dry, loosen the end of the mask and peel it off in the opposite direction of the hair growth toeliminate facial hair.

Quite simple, isn't it? Egg white is sticky and forms a thin film on the skin when combined with sugar and cornstarch. This method is unsuitable for acne-prone skin as egg white contains Vitamin A, which may lead to breakouts.

Papaya and Turmeric

Papaya is rich in the enzyme Papain, which helps remove facial hair. In addition, turmeric gives your skin a healthy and radiant glow.

  • First, cut a slice of papaya into small pieces and mash them to form a thick paste.
  • Next, add half a teaspoon of turmeric to this paste.
  • Mix the ingredients well and apply them to the face with unwanted hair growth.
  • Gently massage for a few minutes and then let it stay for 20-25 minute
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water.

Repeat this natural home remedy to remove facial hair twice weekly for best results.

Banana and Oatmeal

Besides being a great breakfast option, the combination of banana and oatmeal also works as an effective natural facial hair removal remedy. Oatmeal has a grainy texture. The grains make it an excellent exfoliator to eliminate facial hair and dead skin cells.

  • Add two tablespoons of oatmeal with one ripe banana in a bowl and mix well.
  • Next, apply a generous layer of this paste onto your skin and massage your fingers in circular motions.
  • Then, let it sit for 10-15 minutes before washing off with water.

Use this remedy at least once weekly; it suits all skin types.

Milk and Gelatin

Gelatin is used in kitchens as a thickening agent in desserts. It is safe to use on the face as a natural remedy to get rid of facial hair. A mask containinggelatin and milk removes even thicker facial hair.

  • Add a teaspoon of unflavoured gelatin powder to three tablespoons of milk and a few drops of lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Then, microwave it for 15-20 seconds and mix well.
  • Next, apply the sticky jelly-like paste to your face in an even layer.  
  • Make sure it's not too hot, allow it to dry for a few minutes and then peel it off.

Potato and Lentil

The paste of potato and lentils makes a thin crust that helps remove hair. In addition, potato helps bleach the hair, making it less visible.

  • Add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice with five tablespoons of potato juice in a bowl.
  • Then, grind the lentils (soaked overnight) into a smooth paste.
  • Mix all these natural ingredients and apply this mixture for about 20 minutes to the affected area.
  • Wash it off once it is scorched.


There is no shortage of all kinds of remedies and beauty hacks to eliminate unwanted facial hair. We are here to help you if you want to try something more natural and budget-friendly.

A smooth, flawless, and hair-free face is no more a dream! Try these natural remedies and get your desired outcome.

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