Menstrual brain fog: Symptoms and causes

Women in their 40s or 50s may experience menopause or the discontinuation of their monthly cycles. Each woman's symptoms are unique and might range from difficulty sleeping to gaining weight to hair thinning. Many women also claim to experience general "brain fog" or forgetfulness, which makes it challenging to focus. After suffering from brain fog, some women may fear developing dementia or Alzheimer's. However, evidence indicates that memory and learning skills improve after menopause. While menopause is taking its course, there is no need to battle with fuzzy thinking. You can always consult your GP or a health care professional at Click Pharmacy.

When Does Menopausal Brain Fog Begin?

As a result of the fact that every woman's body will respond differently to the multiple ways her hormones change throughout perimenopause, there is no guaranteed way to predict when or whether you may have menopausal brain fog. However, studies demonstrate that some decline in cognitive abilities, including thinking abilities, verbal memory, attention/working memory, and fine motor skill, are more pronounced in the first year following the last menstrual period.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Hormone Replacement Therapy is the first line of defence against the occasional symptoms that some women encounter during menopause. By asking questions about a patient's present health, the symptoms they are experiencing, medications they are taking for other health conditions, and other factors, doctors can determine whether this sort of treatment is safe for them to use.

Hormone Replacement Therapy is easily accessible to all women and available in various forms. It is available as a daily pill, lotion, patch, gel, ring, or other forms. The advantages of Hormone Replacement Therapy can take a few weeks to become noticeable, and like any medicine, some women may first experience some adverse effects.

Negative effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy

In addition to the desired results, medication may also have unwanted effects. While most side effects are minor and shouldn't discourage a woman from continuing her therapy, some may experience them while waiting for their menopausal symptoms to subside. In these cases, your doctor can assist you in finding a different course of action.

Side effects may include:

  • Sensitivity in the breasts
  • Stomach pains and nausea
  • Headaches
  • Digestive problems, such as indigestion

Talk to your doctor immediately if you notice any worrying side effects. If you have a severe reaction to the drug, such as an allergic reaction resulting in the swelling of the lips or throat, seek medical assistance immediately.

Causes Of Menopause Brain Fog

Brain fog is difficult to define, but many women going through menopause report forgetfulness, attention issues, and an overall sense of difficulty in thinking properly. You can have trouble recalling the identity of your neighbour or solving the complete crossword puzzle. Hormone levels begin to decrease during premenopause, which typically occurs in a woman's mid-forties to late forties. As the body generates less oestrogen, progesterone, and other hormones, hot flushes and weight gain can continue. Brain fog can linger even after other premenopause and menopause signs subside.

The following three factors frequently combine to induce memory loss after menopause.

Sleeping Disorder

You may already be aware of the connection between poor sleep and cloudy thinking throughout the day. Sleep disruptions can be divided into three categories:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Frequent awakenings
  • Early awakenings

According to a significant study, the most prevalent sort of sleep issue for women during such a transition was waking up in the middle of the night. Hot flushes affect 85% of menopausal women and frequently happen at night.


It's critical to approach this life change thoroughly. Most women in their 40s and 50s are under a great deal of stress today. Work, money, family responsibilities, or caring for an elderly parent can all lead to stress, eventually affecting focus. Stress frequently causes you to lose focus and directs your attention to the source of your worries. This uncomplicated but significant diversion may result in forgetfulness or a fuzzy state of mind.

Varying Hormone Levels

Your ovaries begin to decrease ovulation during perimenopause, which causes estrogen levels to climb and fall unevenly. According to research, changing estrogen levels might cause memory loss or brain fog. According to one study, perimenopausal women's capacity for learning new knowledge decreases. Another displayed diminished concentration, memory, and cognitive abilities. Although the relationship between estrogen and memories is still being investigated, it is thought that the hormone may play a role in the brain's neurotransmitter system, particularly in the transmission of signals to the regions responsible for memory and information processing.

Symptoms of Menstrual Brain Fog

Menopause affects every woman differently. The symptoms you experience depend on your lifestyle, age, weight, and general health.

Hot Flushes

The abrupt burning sensation in the upper body, known as a hot flush, is typically most intense across the face, neck, and chest. When estrogen levels drop, your glands release more hormones that impact the temperature in your brain, resulting in hot flushes. As a result, body temperature varies. Most women have at least one hot flush every day, which can last one to five minutes on average.

Dryness of the Vagina

Your vagina loses volume and wetness if you don't get enough estrogen. This may result in uncomfortable intercourse, a rise in vaginal infections, and persistent vaginal discomfort. 

Weight Gain

The decrease of estrogen during menopause causes a change in the distribution of fat to the waist. This dangerous form of excess weight is linked to increased heart disease. This fat doesn't just sit there; it releases stress hormones that impact your brain's well-being and functionality.

Emotional Signs

Depression, anxiety, and mood changes can also affect certain women. So practice being relaxed. Stress might make it much harder to fall asleep. Try massage, yoga, or deep breathing. Going out socially could also be beneficial. Even making a daily to-do list can assist you in clearing your mind when you're feeling disorganised.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Memory loss is a leading indicator of vitamin D insufficiency. According to one study, vitamin D deficiency affected more than 90% of postmenopausal women. It's highly likely that you don't get enough of this vitamin from the sun all year long if you rarely go outside without sunscreen or live in a four-season environment. You can take 125 mcg (5,000 IU) of vitamin D every day, but it's better to be tested to find exactly where you stand.

Your doctor can check your vitamin D level, or you can obtain a test on your own from a lab.

Strategies To Lessen Mental Fog

The symptoms of menstrual brain fog can be caused by a variety of things, such as dietary deficits as well. According to research, vitamins such as Magnesium, Vitamin C and D, Omega-3s, and B Complex may be beneficial for people experiencing brain fog symptoms.

Supplementing with these nutrients may be helpful because having inadequate or low levels of particular nutrients may lead to or cause symptoms associated with brain fog. Though there are numerous potential reasons for brain fog, some of them are severe. Consultation with a healthcare professional is essential for receiving the finest care. You can also read this article for effective tips and techniques to prevent brain fog and improve your memory.


With time, memory problems and other menopausal-related cognitive impairments could get better. To help relieve your symptoms in time, maintain a healthy diet, get enough rest, and remain active. You can enjoy long-lasting emotional well-being by exercising and taking care of your mental health.

Make an appointment to see your GP if your "brain fog" worsens so they can rule out any underlying medical conditions and discuss hormone replacement therapy for menopause if necessary.

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